Creating a custom animated gif from a selected duration of a video

I took a nice cute video of my daughter when we landed in Cochin recently. I've been try to convert a portion of the video that I particularly liked to an animated gif.

However, the video shot from my iPhone is particularly long and I am quite lazy to edit the video! :-)

So I tried to find a long lasting liberation to my laziness and here is something I stumbled upon.

vvo/gifify is a cool node library that allows me to Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF. Either in it's full length or only a part of it.

There a ton of options to manage the conversion. I used the following line to convert the portion of the video I wanted.

gifify isha-cochin.m4v -o screencast.gif --from 00:00:07 --to 00:00:20 --colors 255 --fps 5 --compress 100

This gave me a fairly good quality output. I am sure there are ways to optimize and hope to delve into the options sometime.

Any suggestions? Drop a comment!

And yeah! Here is the output!