/ Hackathon

EasyPay - Online Aadhaar Hackathon - Submission


A self explanatory demonstration of the application is at EasyPay.

Please use the Google Chrome! :-)


The Aadhaar number is a fantastic project that aims at giving every person in India an identity. At a fundamental level, having and being able to prove one's identity is basic human right. Being able to do this through a path of very minimal resistance opens up a plethora of opportunities for business use cases in the private sector.

EasyPay is a proof of one such application using the Aadhaar platform. It demonstrates the ability to BUY and SELL virtual candies purely through a Two Factor Authentication provided by the Aadhaar platform and its partners.

Use case of EasyPay

Santosh is a virtual candy vendor with minimal resources. He has been able to establish his identity through the aadhaar card platform and has been recognized as a aadhaar approved business entity. It is a milestone to be certified by the government recognized body as someone who can conduct transactions through Aadhaar Approved vendors.

Sujeevana is a working mother and a candy lover also referred to as the consumer. Sujeevana has a payment method that has been registered with EasyPay a Aadhaar approved platform to facilitate monetary transactions.

The entire process can be done securely and using current information through the Aadhaar authentication.

The steps of the business use case are:

  • Santosh sets up EasyPay to sell virtual candies
  • Sujeevana comes and place the order
  • Order gets authenticated using Aadhaar auth process
  • Sujeevana gets directed to the OTP authorization page
  • Sujeevana enters the OTP to securely authenticate herself and completes the order
  • Santosh fulfills the order by giving Sujeevana 5 additional FREE candies
  • Sujeevana moved up the Candy Lover Leaderboard in real time

Commercial Applications

The use case can be applied in real life for:

  • Supermarkets
  • Ordering Mobile Connections (5 mins to a verified mobile connection)
  • Courier and Logistic services (For authenticated user verification)
  • Enhancements to Payment Companies like PayTM

INSTALL instructions

  • Download to a Ubuntu 14.04 machine
  • Unzip the app folder
  • Change directory to app folder cd app
  • Install meteor using curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
  • Start the server using meteor
  • Pray! :-). Hope the server starts at http://localhost:3000. Else try running meteor again upto three times!
  • Try out the app
  • If things fail. Contact me at @TweetSKS. Play with hosted app at EasyPay

Pictures! :-)

First Page

First Page

Second Page

Second Page

Order Page

Order Page

Confirmation Page

Confirmation Page