daily coding Creating terminal screecast (with audio) Today, I discovered dhobsd/castty: A CLI tool to record audio-enabled screencasts of your terminal, for the web. [https://github.com/dhobsd/castty] Installation Installation was pretty easy on my mac: # install libsoundio
Ghost Upgrading Ghost and creating a native desktop application on OSX I recently upgraded my installation to the latest version. And I definitely want to move working on my laptop and I use the Ghost desktop application to post content.But unfortunately, the application
Awesome Coding Challenge for MI5 Completely zapped with these breed of guys understanding the question and actually solving it! Totally in awe! Whooosh! Problem Coding Challenge | MI5 - The Security Service CAN YOU SOLVE THIS PUZZLE? Intelligence isn’
Fun Resize videos to a mobile friendly size and save bandwidth! My daughter recorded a birthday wishes video for my sister. Actually recorded two videos .. that I stitched together using this procedure. The video ended up being 65MB given the high resolution and size!
Fun Happy Halloween - 2015 One of the good things of being a father of 2 year old is that you need to become social and participate! So that the weekend plan! I've got to dress
Hacks Lazy Sunday Morning So here I am in Chennai to make a trip to the US Visa office. What good is a trip without a tiny hack! Here is where I stayed and where I enjoyed