Charts My notes for charting with ggplot2 Useful packges * jrnold/ggthemes: ggplot themes and scales [] * wilkelab/cowplot [] * daattali/ggExtra: Add marginal histograms to ggplot2, and more ggplot2 enhancements [https://github.
Charts Visualizing rural and underserved counties in the US The CFPB recently published their list of rural and underserved counties in the US for 2016. Unfortunately, the data is in a PDF (terrible open data format), and we need to extract the
Charts Bullet Graphs using R I came across this library for creating Bullet graphs using R. Installation of the package is straightforward: library(devtools) install_github(c('rstudio/htmltools', 'ramnathv/htmlwidgets', 'sipemu/d3Dashboard&
R-Project Displaying a Sector Return Performance Chart using R and Licorice I learned an interesting way to plot a Likert scale from my feed of R-bloggers that referenced some pretty cool recent work done by Bart to plot Likert-like data. I was looking for