daily coding Creating terminal screecast (with audio) Today, I discovered dhobsd/castty: A CLI tool to record audio-enabled screencasts of your terminal, for the web. [https://github.com/dhobsd/castty] Installation Installation was pretty easy on my mac: # install libsoundio
dailycoding Parsing a tab seperated zone file in shell For a research project, I wanted to analyze domain names. I got a copy of a zone file that was tab seperated. Before I could load it into pandas or r, I wanted
daily coding Daily Coding - Downloading videos from Youtube - Parenting mis-tip Let's make this extremely quick again. I've been pretty busy for the last couple of days (coding :) ), and haven't been really doing a good job on the
Terminal Mount harddrive in Ubuntu in write format I have a harddrive Seagate Backup Plus Drive that I use on Mac. Its a 5TB drive that used to work fine on my Mac Air. But, now I am having a lot
Terminal Unzipping all files in a directory using Bash I have a ton of audiobook downloads in a folder, that I wanted to unzip and delete the old files. Doing this manually is boring and repetitive. To solve this, the following script
Terminal Concatentating or Combining Multiple Videos into a single file I wanted to stream an eCourse to Plex to watch while spinning! Unfortunately, the eCourse was split up (as usually the case) into multiple video files. This is kinda painful to work with
Terminal Switching between windows on a remote nested tmux session Figured this out a while. I tmux first to server 1 and then ssh into server 2. I often need to switch between windows in the remote session. Finally, figure out that the
Terminal Text manipulation on the command line Ok! This is ridiculous but fun! I woke this morning with the goal of clearing up my s3 buckets. Storing waste is expensive! My AWS expenses are eating into my beer budget! It&
Terminal Run Bash commands in Fish I love the fish shell and its been my default terminal for ages! Running bash scripts in fish seems feasible to certain extent using edc/bass: Make Bash utilities usable in Fish shell
Tools ripgrep - Command line based text manipulation I love the command line and love command line tools! They are just so minimalistic and efficient! Just discovered ripgrep that seems to be a great alternative to ack and ag!! ripgrep is
Tools Cleanup over sized files on Mac and Ubuntu My Macbook SSD is running out of space and I am trying to figure out which directories are the biggest in my attempt to clean them up. The best utility I could find
Tools SQL Client for the Terminal I frequently need to peek into my database table using an SQL client and have been using Adminer - A single file database management tool to do it. While Adminer works great, ability
Terminal m-cli - Add some more power to your OSX command line I love working on the Mac terminal. I just came across the rgcr/m-cli: Swiss Army Knife for Mac OS X. It is basically a set of cool administrative commands made accessible through
Tools Glances - A new open source system monitoring tool Just came across a neat new system monitoring tool called Glances. Installation on my mac was extremely straight forward and issue free! A standard pip install worked out of the box using: pip
Tips Mount remote folder onto your local disk on the Macbook I like working on my Mac but like to keep my development repositories on a headless terminal on the cloud (like a Digital Ocean droplet or a AWS EC2 instance). Usually, I simply
Hacks Creating a custom animated gif from a selected duration of a video I took a nice cute video of my daughter when we landed in Cochin recently. I've been try to convert a portion of the video that I particularly liked to an