Music MusicBrainz Picard - Awesome id3 tagger for all your music! Totally blown away by MusicBrainz Picard! This id3 tagger is just awesome! The explanation will take some time .. but here is a demo that shows how awesome it is! (shower some patience on
Hacks Decrypting Gaana's undocumented API This weekend has been fun! I do a lot of hacks around! But, now I needed to get Metadata of the tracks I listen to. Here is a quick explanation on
Fitness Weekend Cycling I managed to wake up early and go for an awesome cycling ride. Here are some cool memorablia from the gadgets I've collected. First ... from Moov The best part was some
Hacks Making your external harddrive from Mac readable on ubuntu I recently replaced my old harddisk in the Mabbook with an SSD. I decided to put the old hard disk into a USB casing and start using an external drive. I formatted the
Music More fun with Music - Introducing Kodi! I spent a lot of time this Saturday getting my music collection ready. It was quite an experience! I'll first layout the notable highlights of the experience that I somehow seemed
Music Spotify Premium for free on your android phone I bought my wife a new phone and started tinkering with the old phone. So to get started, I decided to load her phone up with Spotify Premium. I am a iPhone loyalist,
Hacks Show the last played song on my page So, I think its high time I get to putting few of ideas I had related to my music into action. I have recently resumed scrobbling all the music I listen to last.
Music Saving songs from Spotify Here is a quick video on how to save songs from Spotify using Audio Hijack Pro. More on this later! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > NOTE: Saving songs from spotify is illegal! This video is only
Music Get Saved Songs Of User From Spotify Ever wondered how to get the list of your saved songs from Spotify? Here is how .. see video below ... and yeah! Selena Gomez is NOT one of my favorites! She is just trending
Music Searching for Torrents from the command line and streaming them Here is a quick demonstration to search and stream torrents using the command line straight to VLC! All credit to ItzBlitz98/torrentflix! Install peerflix and torrentflix using the below code and you are