Troubleshooting SOLVED: Building Blotter on Mac OSX It can be quite frustrating while installing packages on R don't work! I faced an issue while building blotter for Mac. Was getting an error on the following lines: Warning messages:
Interactive Brokers Amicable Interactive Brokers Data Analysis using Python and R using reticulate In this post, I will demonstrate through an example the immense joy of working with both R and Python using reticulate! First a little on the background, the discussion and arguments on R
Visualization Creating Waffle Charts in R for infographics Came across this pretty cool post to create waffle charts using R. I had to install fontawesome font on my mac from Font Awesome. First download, then double click fontawesome-webfont.ttf and FontAwesome.
Shiny Shiny Server on Ubuntu Install Shiny Server on ubuntu following the instructions here. * Install rbase sudo apt-get install r-base * Install shiny R package sudo su - \ -c "R -e \"install.packages('shiny', repos=
Visualization Drawing Capitan America Logo! This post is motivated by this post on KANDINSKY ( library(grid) grid.newpage() = 0.5, y = 0.5, r = 0.4, gp = gpar(
rstats Understanding Paul Grahams Thoughts using R Paul Graham posted this tweet on A hypothesis about how you might discover the next Twitter. Unfortunately, the tweet was an image which makes quoting it in this post very difficult! :( Fortunately, Jeroen
rstats Data Pasta is a must have to working with R and the Web Just came across this package called MilesMcBain/datapasta from r-bloggers! Here is a quick demo of why it is a boon for working with RStudio! No repetitive tasks of parsing and munging for
rstats Creating an Organization Chart using R I needed an "Organization Chart" (all the hierarchy yadda yadda) for an application to the government. The typical procedure would be to use Microsoft Visio or Powerpoint. But, I hate all
Trading Using RQuantLib on MacOSX Using RQuantLib on MacOSX * First install QuantLib as mentioned here [] * Install Boost brew install boost * Download QuantLib A version that slightly lags using: brew install QuantLib This
R-Project County level choropleth of the US Presidential Elections Results (2016) The historic election victory of Mr. Trump will be a motivator of posts by data analysts for quite sometime! Here is my attempt to replicate the choropleth shown in this Economist Daily Chart
ggplot Reproducing GGPLOT2 AS A CREATIVITY ENGINE Just came across this post in using ggplot in Data Journalism. Reproduced and published the code here []. Code used: library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(magrittr) library(
Charts Visualizing rural and underserved counties in the US The CFPB recently published their list of rural and underserved counties in the US for 2016. Unfortunately, the data is in a PDF (terrible open data format), and we need to extract the
Charts Bullet Graphs using R I came across this library for creating Bullet graphs using R. Installation of the package is straightforward: library(devtools) install_github(c('rstudio/htmltools', 'ramnathv/htmlwidgets', 'sipemu/d3Dashboard&
Visualization Population Distribution of Hispanics by Age in the US I was recently reading on the increasing role being played by Hispanics in the US Real Estate market. The report titled Housing Demand: Demographics And The Numbers Behind The Coming Multi-million Increase In
Visualization Creating a surface plot using Plotly Just stumbled on this beautiful Surface plot that can be made using plotly The code is fairly straight forward. library(plotly) # volcano is a numeric matrix that ships with R plot_ly(z