Investing Realizing superior returns through investing in leading growth stocks Lets look at the performance of investing in various companies in the technology space. The companies we have chosen for analysis are among the internet businesses and have a significant impact on our
Visualization Visualization of Tor Servers using IPinfo data Here is a visualization of Tor Servers after ~ 3000 rotations using @ipinfoio and @Mapbox rstats #privacy #anonymity #anonymous #dataprivacy #visualization Europe beats US ... but then strangely Russia isn’t quite in the action
data.table Installing data.table on Mac OSX As mentioned here [] bash xcode-select --install brew update && brew install llvm Update ~/.R/Makevars # if you downloaded llvm manually above, replace with your
Visualization Creating Waffle Charts in R for infographics Came across this pretty cool post to create waffle charts using R. I had to install fontawesome font on my mac from Font Awesome. First download, then double click fontawesome-webfont.ttf and FontAwesome.
Shiny Shiny Server on Ubuntu Install Shiny Server on ubuntu following the instructions here. * Install rbase sudo apt-get install r-base * Install shiny R package sudo su - \ -c "R -e \"install.packages('shiny', repos=
Visualization Drawing Capitan America Logo! This post is motivated by this post on KANDINSKY ( library(grid) grid.newpage() = 0.5, y = 0.5, r = 0.4, gp = gpar(
rstats Understanding Paul Grahams Thoughts using R Paul Graham posted this tweet on A hypothesis about how you might discover the next Twitter. Unfortunately, the tweet was an image which makes quoting it in this post very difficult! :( Fortunately, Jeroen
Charts My notes for charting with ggplot2 Useful packges * jrnold/ggthemes: ggplot themes and scales [] * wilkelab/cowplot [] * daattali/ggExtra: Add marginal histograms to ggplot2, and more ggplot2 enhancements [https://github.
rstats Creating an Organization Chart using R I needed an "Organization Chart" (all the hierarchy yadda yadda) for an application to the government. The typical procedure would be to use Microsoft Visio or Powerpoint. But, I hate all
Choropleth US State Level Choropleth using FHFA HPI Data My LinkedIn News (spam?) feed just flashed an interesting choropleth of housing price changes across states (House Prices in Sep 2016 relative to pre-2008 peak) I'll try to replicate something similar
R-Project County level choropleth of the US Presidential Elections Results (2016) The historic election victory of Mr. Trump will be a motivator of posts by data analysts for quite sometime! Here is my attempt to replicate the choropleth shown in this Economist Daily Chart
R-Project Issues with OpenCPU I was running into this terrible error Package 'jsonlite' version 0.9.20 cannot be unloaded. Here is how I tried to debug and fix it * Try out in terminal using
R-Project Creating R Charts with Dual Axes in R Charts with dual axes have been a hot debate topic for quite a while now. I see merits in the arguments against using Dual Axes but then I often them convienient too. I
R-Project Accessing AWS S3 from R I've been toying with a WebApp integration with R using OpenCPU. The WebApp needs access to output files generated from R. I wanted to keep the R app and WebApp a
R-Project Giving your R code a boost with NodeJS modules. Power up your OpenCPU! I've am a happy node user and would like to use the power of node modules in R! Sounds crazy? V8 to the rescue! I'll expand on this soon
R-Project How Much do you Need to Earn to Afford a Modest Apartment in Your State? Continuing with the theme of plotting Choropleths, here is an interesting problem I encountered. The details are below, but the end product is to develop a static visualization as shown here ... Out Of
R-Project Plotting Geocoded points on the US Map I recently had to plot a set of geocoded points on the US Map. The ease with which we can create maps using custom data that can be transformed using GeoCoding APIs is
R-Project Displaying a Sector Return Performance Chart using R and Licorice I learned an interesting way to plot a Likert scale from my feed of R-bloggers that referenced some pretty cool recent work done by Bart to plot Likert-like data. I was looking for